Sunday, January 26, 2020
Types Of Clinical Decision Support System Computer Science Essay
Types Of Clinical Decision Support System Computer Science Essay Nowadays, technology is growing rapidly. With such tremendously growth of technology, many field of industry is taking the chance in adopting these technologies to transform their business flow to fit with the environment. Medical is one of the industries that changing their services to provide better care and better treatment to patients. Many clinical center, hospitals or medical organization is investing on Clinical Decision Support System to improve the quality of decision making from the progress of diagnosis. What is Clinical Decision Support System? Clinical Decision Support Systems are active knowledge systems which use two or more items of patient data to generate case-specific advice from Wyatt J, Spiegelhalter D, 1991 (OpenClinical 2001-2009) It designed to integrate with a medical knowledge database as well as patient data to generate case specific advises to users. In another words, it is designed to healthcare professional to make medical decision. Instead of taking the place of diagnosis as a job of computer program, it rather intended to support the clinical experts because computer is not able to perform as a human being and it may cause error which may harm and risking others people survivability. In some area, computers can help the clinician in retrieving details needed in the progress of diagnosis such as patients medical history, all kind of examination and laboratory test. In addition, the reaction of drug and allergies toward the patient will be taken into account to help a busy clinician to handle over hundred patients in a day. (Clinical Decision Support System, Citizendium, 2006) What is the purpose of Clinical Decision Support System? CDSS generally is used to assist clinician by using the point of medical to provide some expert opinion or advices. A clinician may interact with CDSS in doing determination of diagnosis, analysis and etc by according to provided patient data. Previous theories of CDSS were to use the CDSS to literally make decisions for the clinician. (Clinical Decision Support System, iScanMyFood, 2010). By now, clinician is able to input information to the system and wait for CDSS to output the right choice to advice them the correct action. By gone through the computer analysis, clinician is not only making decision through own knowledge which may not be most suitable result from a diagnosis but also getting advices from computer to improve the quality of decision making. In another words, it served as a peripheral brain. Functions of Clinical Decision Support System There are 4 basic functions contain in Clinical Decision Support System which are Administrative, Managing clinical complexity and details, Cost control, Decision support by based on Perreault Metzger. Administrative means system must be administrable which means that it must be able to support clinical coding and documentation, procedures and referrals of the medical center. In order to achieve that, CDSS is always created through multiple platforms and it understands very well on every medicals standard procedure. Other than that, it must be able to manage clinical complexity and details. It keeps patients on research and chemotherapy protocols as clinical experts always did. It tracks patient orders, referrals follow-up the status of patient and preventive care after prescription. Cost controllable by avoiding any duplication of process, document or any unnecessary lab test and to monitor medication orders to confirm any incorrect places which might be a direct harm to particular medical centers financial Decision Support is mean to support clinical diagnosis and treatment plan processes and promoting use of best practices, condition-specific guidelines, and population-based management. (OpenClinical 2001-2009) Characteristics and Types of Clinical Decision Support System Characteristics of CDSS There are 4 basic component usually required by CDSS which are Inference Engine, Knowledge Base, Explanation Module and Working Memory. Inference Engine Inference Engine is the main part of CDSS. It used knowledge from database integrated with the system as well as the knowledge about the patient to generate an output or a conclusion based on certain condition. Inference engine control the actions of the system and guide system with the best actions. For an example, it will start to detect the condition to trigger the alert or conclusion to be displayed in a diagnostic progress. Knowledge Base Knowledge Base acquired the knowledge Inference Engine used to present to the users. In Knowledge base, it contains every risk factor to carry out in new lesions and risk scores. It will be built with the involvement of clinical domain experts with also every activity of create, edit and maintenance. In another way, some knowledge base is created through automated process. Automated process knowledge is acquired from external sources such as books, magazine, journal articles and database by a computer application. The process of creating a knowledge base is complex and complicated. In order to make it easier, there are tools specially created to facilitate the acquisition and elicitation of knowledge base. There is an example tool called Protà ©gà ©, a knowledge- based development environment. Working memory Working memory is a collection of patient data or form of a message which is stored inside database. These data may include patients age, name, data of birth, gender and etc or allergies, history medical information or problems and other information. Explanation Module Explanation Module responsible in composing justification for the conclusions drawn by the Inference Engine by applied Knowledge base and patient data. This component is not presented in all CDSSs. In another way, CDSS can work on synchronous mode and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, users can communicate directly with application to wait for the output from system. Users will have to wait for the output in order to continue their works. For example, CDSS checks for drugs interaction or any possible medicine that patient allergies to then clinician will only able to continue to diagnose patient by based on the result generated by CDSS. When there is in asynchronous mode, CDSS is performing independently while does not required user to wait for. For an example generate a checkup reminder for patients. CDSS can be categorized as open-loop or closed-loop systems. Open-loop CDSS will generate a conclusion but it takes no action directly by its own. Usually users will take the actions on the final decision. For an example, CDSS generates alert or reminder to users to take the actions. A Closed-loop CDSS is the opposite of open-loop CDSS. It will take actions by its own without any intervention from users. For an example, system will automatic save up all details of diagnosis process. CDSS can be also an event monitor, a consultation system or a clinical guideline. Even monitor is a software application that converts every available data into electronic format and uses its integrated knowledge base to send reminder to clinicians appropriately. Consultation system allows user enters the details of a case and in another way, the system will provide user a list of problems that may explain the case and suggestion the best action to be taken. Clinical Guideline basically developed by a group of clinical experts and disseminated by the government or by professional organization and it apply in most of the CDSS. This clinical guideline has been presented with every statement of best practices regarding to a particular health condition. Other than providing recommendation from various practices, it can be taken as examples in medical education. Type of Clinical Decision Support System Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System (Expert System) Knowledge-based expert systems are created by having experts use the biomedical literature to identify relationships between independent variables (such as signs and symptoms) and dependent variables (such as likely underlying diseases). It contains related arranged such as local hospital information, patient data and other compiled data and apply it with IF-ELSE-THEN predefined rules to guide through the whole progress of decision making. However, rules may also be acquired from various types of decision trees. These rules-based CDSS is the most usually found among all the clinical application. It will alert user when there is a possible drug doses or allergies which may harm or risk patient life by based on patient details such as age, sex, weight, height and etc. Example: if the system rules used to determine drug interaction, the formula will started to run and to detect every possible risky drug interaction, the rules might be IF drug A is taken AND drug B is taken THEN alert user. By going through these predefined rules, provided information must be always up-to-dated to prevent any wrong output which might lead to misdiagnosis. To construct a rule-based system for medical decision support, an expert with domain knowledge always must be recruited to create and handle the knowledge base and train the system. To train an expert system is very time-consuming and it the result that produced is only usable in a narrow scope project. Therefore, a rule-based CDSS is not commonly used to deliver the critical message to clinician. (Clinical Decision Support System, Citizendium, 2006) Non Knowledge-Based Clinical Decision Support System Non Knowledge Based CDSS does not apply any data from knowledge base but they used another kind of artificial intelligent called Machine Learning. From the term of Machine Learning, it means a machine will learn from the past experience and previous lesson that given by experts. This kind of idea has implemented in this type of CDSS. Computer will learn everything in previous medical progress and find pattern in clinical data. Non Knowledge based CDSS is trained from the relationship between symptoms and signs (also called independent variables) and diseases (also called dependent variables). Machine Learning is using case-based to proceed every lesson because the system is being trained from previous cases. There are 2 type of non knowledge based systems are artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. It contains some mathematical models that can observe and emulate the properties of an item and some kind of adaptively learns the simulated properties of the item. (Clinical Decision Support System, Citizendium, 2006). Artificial neural networks type of CDSS can analyze the attributes or patterns from patient data to derive the associations between the symptoms and a diagnosis. (Wikipedia, 2010). It can perform supervised or unsupervised machine learning depending on the way of providing the available information. Genetic Algorithm is based on a several processes of searching and simplifying and use the directed selection achieve optimal CDSS result. The algorithm will first determine properties of sets of solutions to a problem. Every solution that generated will be recombined, mutated and repeat the process again. The rotation of finding solution will not stop until a proper solution is found. The knowledge used in finding solution is derived from patient data. It usually focus on those disease that caused by narrow list of symptoms. (Wikipedia, 2010) Architecture of Clinical Decision Support System 3.1. Basic Concept of Decision Support System Architecture Since Clinical decision support system is a kind of decision support system that is design to assist clinician in decision making tasks. The architecture design of decision support system always consists of two major sub-systems which is human decision maker and computer systems. Construct a decision support system with only computer hardware and software program is not a correct concept because there might be some unstructured or semi structured decision (those decisions cannot be decide through a collection of mathematical model or formula) is not able to be programmed by system because its precisely nature thinking from a human and it is elusive and complex. There is no such independent component in a decision support system. It always needs a human decision maker as another component of decision support system to integrate with computer systems. The function of human decision maker is not to build a database for decision support system. Instead of build a database, it functions a s a decision maker that provides judgment, share their experience and exercises intuition throughout the entire process of decision making. The very first step of decision making is begin with the creation of a decision support model (decision support model is the formula or the way that helps user to filter or decide the specific result) by using some integrated DSS program such as Microsoft Excel. System will interact with database through Database Management Systems (DBMS) and deal the data from database with the decision support model through Model-Based Management System (MBMS). DBMS is an application that used to create, manage as well as control the access to the database. MBMS is an application that embedded within a DSS program that allow user to create, edit and delete the decision support model. By going through DBMS and MBMS, model is able to associate with the data from database to make a specific decision. DSS diagram.png Figure 1.0 Decision Support System diagram The diagram above shows DBMS and MBMS is integrated with the DSS to communicate with the models and database to provide result to users. 3.2. Four-Phase Model of Clinical Decision Support Architecture Four-Phase Model of clinical decision support architecture is referring to 4 type of architecture that has been used in clinical decision support system development. These architectures also representing the evolutionary of clinical decision support system. This 4 type of architecture is standalone decision support system (1959), integrated system (1967), standards-based system (1989), service models (2005). The phases is happen sequentially, every phase is learned and influenced from previous phases. Standalone Decision Support System The first phase is Standalone decision support system which happened in year 1959. They were systems that operate separately from clinical system. The clinician got to purposely seek the system out and enter information of his medical cases and then wait for the system to interpret the result. This kind of system is easy to develop because user that comes with medical knowledge and computer skills can make one of it. It is easy to share as well because the system is easy to develop, it can be categorized as a simple system, user can just make a copy of the program and then mail to another who wishes to use the system. There are limitations such as they required user to enter all the information needed by the system to make it inference. Another disadvantage is user got to seek out how the system works and flow. User that is lack of medical knowledge might have problem in system usage and might causes a lot of medical error. Thus, they cannot be proactive. It also very time consuming, it may takes half to an hour to enter a case because the models feature is very narrow and it required a lot of information to generate an output. Integrated System Due to the significant problems from standalone CDSS, developers begun to involve the architecture into another which is integrated system. The invented of Integrated system have solved a lot of problems. First of them is termination of multiple user input. The information is stored electronically after the first input by the user. Another significant solution is system can be proactive. They can alert user when it detect dangerous between drugs interaction or the dosing error automatically. The major disadvantage of integrated system is difficult to share. This system is very complex because it directly built with large clinical system. Therefore, it cant directly share to others who are not using the same clinical system. Unlike standalone system which built only based on self knowledge and computer skills. It can be send to anyone who wanted to use it. Another major problem is knowledge management problem. When there is an update for knowledge or clinical guideline, it maybe needs to find the source code to know where is guideline used. Standard-Based System In order to make content sharable, several research and effort had been undertaken to standardize clinical decision support content. The standardization of content has overcome many disadvantage of integrated system. It shares the clinical decision support content by separate the code that describing the content from source code. However, it still has some limitations. First, there is way too much standard format to choose. There are over hundred of standard to represent a simple notification. Standardized encoded may constrain a users standard. The standard that user intended to write has the difficulty to compatible with the standardized standard. Service Models Service Models, the most recent CDSS architecture. It recombined clinical information system and clinical decision support system components by using a standard application programming interface (API). This models standardizing both clinical decision support system and clinical system into one interface. Both systems will only look at only one clinical system and one CDSS at a time although the knowledge about patient and medicine are across many places. Clinical Decision Supports Algorithm 4.1 Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neural Network is a method that used by non knowledge-based CDSS. It required training from experts in a form of artificial intelligence. It will base on the past experiences or recognized examples to create a set of solution to a medical problem. They possess the Human-Brain-Like behavior instead of Computer-Like. Due to the capability of knowing the behavior of problem through its experiences, they are commonly used in recognition problems. From the result, this methodology is very well in determining narrow and well-defined clinical problem. Three general type of algorithm used by machine learning which is unsupervised, reinforcement and supervised. Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised learning means the computer identify some natural grouping within a database by based on how similar the items are and what makes a Good group without being provided examples of feature values of items. Therefore, the way of machine learning also called clustering. Unfortunately, unsupervised learning is not being used in many studies of various type of diagnosis. Reinforcement Learning In reinforcement learning, it is not provided any samples of feature values of items. Instead of giving the samples, it is given a specific main point or feedbacks which are able to determine whether the system is on the right track. Supervised Learning In supervised learning, the computer is given the samples of feature value of items. The reason of doing supervised learning is to develop a classifier that can predicts all the possibility from given predetermined classes or samples based on a set of attributes and features to describe the items. 4.2 Bayesian Network Bayesian Network shows a set of variables and dependencies of conditional among the variables via Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Each node in the graph represents a variable and particular node will link to its neighbor to show the dependencies among the corresponding variables. This algorithm provides a simple understanding and definition between any two nodes. It helps predict and compute every possibility event might occur in a specific condition. In the stand of medical view, it can compute every possibility diseases by based on the symptoms given. For example, fever, cough, sore throat and chilling might lead to symptoms of Dengue disease. There are two important component consists in this algorithm which are structure and a set of parameters. Structure of the Bayesian Network is constructed from DAG. Every node in DAG may be given value by the parent node. Parameters are describing the relationship and the probabilities of a node to its parent. These components can support Bayesian Network computation by using the chain rule. Therefore, parameter and structure learning must be carrying out to fully represent probability distribution. Parameter learning is to specify each node in DAG is approximately distributed based on varies conditional. Structure learning is to identify the way of distribution throughout the whole network by based on the local data. When learning Bayesian Network, the amount of training data is very important and it directly affected the correctness of the network. Therefore, training data must be provided enough through employment of experts to provide various form of knowledge to improve the accuracy of the models. The experts might provide some knowledge that specifying a condition among the variables in Bayesian Network. Bayesian Network Example.png Figure 2.0 Example of Bayesian Network The example shows that fever and chilling maybe the symptoms of Dengue Disease. In another way, chilling maybe the side effect of fever. 4.3 Logical Condition
Saturday, January 18, 2020
International Mareketing Management Of Mcdonaldââ¬â¢s Essay
McDonalds one of the largest fast food selling restaurant chains in the world was established in 1940 by two brothers Richard and Maurice McDonalds. This restaurant started its business as a barbeque restaurant but latter specialized in making ham burgers, the restaurant got the attention of Ray Kroc an American businessman who became the franchising agent of McDonalds in 1955 and took McDonalds to its international growth. Ray Kroc made the McDonalds Corporation and added certain training facilities for employees which made McDonalds a divine training institution for student. McDonalds Corporation also introduced the Hamburger University which laid the very sole of quality management in students and provided scholarships to excel students and student employees of McDonalds. 1) International And Domestic Marketing Principles Of McDonalds: McDonalds, the global fast food giant with more than 34,000 local eating joints serving nearly 69 million people in 119 countries each day,[1] has a substantial presence in Pakistan. Though McDonalds insists on a universal standard the fast food behemoth still allows customization of its products and services meeting a particular business need. Yet the companyââ¬â¢s franchisees across geographies have a similar approach to business in multiple parameters. A marked compatibility with regard to quality and service between McDonald restaurants, even they are far apart from each other in terms of geographical location, is the hallmark of the fast food giant. McDonalds Pakistan recognizes its socio-cultural context, hence has replaced traditional hamburger for halal food free of pork. The fast food chain also prefers to procure meat from local halal abattoir. The product promotion strategies, one of the key areas of marketing principles, always need to be agreed upon in order to optimize the market performance of McDonald. The US based companyââ¬â¢s expansion in Pakistan would require working on commercials that can appeal to the local customers under the guidelines of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA). 2) Growing Global Market Environment Of McDonalds: McDonald together with Lakson Group has incorporated Siza Foods (Pvt) Ltd to own a chain of 22 restaurants in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Hyderabad & Faisalabad. McDonald relies on franchisee, or affiliated or organic expansion as a model for its growth. McDonaldââ¬â¢s overseas growth plan including its Pakistan market must be in line with its current revenue, if not more. Also, the food chain would like its primary products to top its menu such as cheeseburgers, chicken, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts. However, certain regional markets such as Pakistan must adapt to local demand for halal meat which would require hamburger to be replaced by halal meat. Also, the company should always remain prepared to changing consumer tastes ââ¬â many regional customers forced McDonald to include salads, fish, wraps, smoothies and fruit. The local delicacies of Pakistan such as grilled Tandoori chicken may in the future menu of McDonald. Acquisition of rival businesses In this era of development and innovation McDonalds USA being highly flourished in its domestic market is spreading its business internationally. In growing globally McDonalds USA considered franchising as their mean, which is a safe, less costly and easy method with minimum legal obligations. McDonalds opened its first franchise in 1955 by Ray Kroc, who also established the McDonalds Corporation. Since then McDonalds is growing its business and now operates in 119 countries. In Pakistan McDonalds has given franchising rights to Lakson Group of Companies headed by Mr. Amin Lakhani. McDonalds Pakistan opened its first franchise in September 1998 in the city of Lahore, a week later it opened another franchise in Karachi and thus it went on increasing its franchises in 8 big cities of Pakistan. McDonalds USA however has taken over few small scale fast food retailers, who were facing difficulty in competing with competitors in the business. 3) Practical Marketing Cross Cultural Implication Of McDonalds Operation Abroad: McDonalds USA being in its domestic market is well aware of the cultural implication prevailing in USA, which tends the growth of McDonalds as it knows the language, culture, society and laws of the country. In case of McDonalds Pakistan there are barriers to McDonalds USA on various grounds like power distance, individualism, uncertainty, masculinity and long term orientation. In Pakistan the society is based on certain social and cultural grounds that does not allow people will less experience to participate in decision making, in this way there is an unjust power distribution were people are feel bound and limited as to decisions made by elders. In Pakistan in all most all fields of business individualism is observed where task are being created by directors which are then followed by managers and carried on to subordinates, in a way were the directors take all stress of creating the idea rather than considering a group discussion on the point. In Pakistan the uncertainty element is high due to lack of security issue in the country and unstable law and order prevailing in the country, which tends businesses to be very cautious when taking certain business decisions. The socio-culture environment in Pakistan is based on a male dominant society, were the decision making is restricted to male members of society and there is a lack of equality of thoughts as women mostly are not allowed to part in decision making. Pakistan being one of the underdeveloped countries is far from looking at long term orientation as country faces many financial and economic crises which restricts businesses to look at long term orientation and compels them to take part in short term goals. 4) Current And Potential Cultural Differences: Food industries wither prevailing in its domestic or international market has to follow cultural trends of the country in which it is to operate. In the context of McDonalds USA and McDonalds Pakistan both prevail in countries with entirely different cultural grounds. The culture prevailing in USA is quiet broad minded, where they consider freedom of speech, less religious resistance and equality of gender. Being so McDonalds USA enjoys many privileges due to freedom of speech and less religious resistance, where they can sell their products without any regards of being halal or haram, they can make advertisements keeping away from certain explicit materials which are exempted by American law. In American society equality of gender allows women to work for their living which has helped McDonalds USA to recruit female staff in their stores. The culture of Pakistan is narrow minded as compared to USA , where freedom of speech is limited within social, moral and religious grounds, religion plays a vital role in almost every expect of life and gender equality is not observed as women are not encouraged to work and participate in career building activities. In this case McDonalds Pakistan has to work in limitation of Islamic Sharia and has to make its products with halal ingredients. McDonalds Pakistan also has to make advertisement of its products in limitation of rules set by PEMRA. In Pakistan women are not allowed by their families to work in an environment where they would be serving men or dressed in an uncultured manner which restricts women to work in a food chain like McDonalds. First and foremost, according to a Hadith in Al-Tirmidhi, it has been narrated by Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radi Allah Anho) that alcohol is the key to all evil; this is consuming it or selling it. It is totally Haraam to sell alcohol and the income earned is also Haraam. It is Haraam for a Muslim to sell something that is Haraam for him to eat or use. The Holy Prophet, Hadhrat Muhammad-ur Rasullullaah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ââ¬Å"If Allah Taaââ¬â¢la makes Haraam the consumption of something; He also makes Haraam its transaction.â⬠(Musnad Ahmad, Hadith no. 2546)[2] (2.1) Project Management Techniquesof McDonalds: McDonalds USA a company form by merger of two companies initiated its project with a franchise selling burgers and milk shakes. The company followed the traditional approach of project management techniques were they planned and designed their production, quality, distribution, staffing criteria and location. After the planning and designing of these ideas by McDonalds USA they started execution of these ideas and concentrated on further construction of these ideas. McDonalds USA after putting its ideas in action worked on ways to control and monitor it by making certain software that would allow it check its sales, inventory and financial summary in real time. This project development technique used by McDonalds USA has made its business successful in USA to a great extent and has also created an image in the international market which is spreading its business across the globe. Pakistanââ¬â¢s market being a complex and unfamiliar market for McDonalds USA has led to providing franchising authority to Lakson group of companies a leading business group in Pakistan, which knows the business trends in the country and how to act in according to it. This group has helped McDonalds Pakistan to grow in a flourishing manner as most elements in the country are against American commodities. (2.2) Different Stages of McDonalds international marketing development including: ââ¬â Domestic ââ¬â Ethnocentric ââ¬â Polycentric and ââ¬â Geocentric. These different stages were introduced Howard V in 1969. These stages indicate the staffing preferences of any firm in an international market. The Domestic stage refers to allocating or recruiting staff from within the country of the company. The Ethnocentric stage is similar to domestic stage in terms of staff recruitment but the country in which the company recruits staff is not its own country. The Polycentric stage refers to employ staff from the country in which you are doing business. The Geocentric stage refers to employ staff throughout the globe in order to achieve the objectives of the firm by using skillful people of the world. These stages have emerged due too certain aspect prevailing in the world, which tends multinational companies to adopt these stages. McDonalds being a multinational fast food chain has adopted different stages in different countries. In Pakistan McDonalds has adopted Polycentric view of staffing. This is due to many reasons like language barrier, religious aspect prevailing in the country, lack of security reasons for foreigners and high ratio of unemployment of the locals in the country. As compared to McDonalds in America where there are both domestic and geocentric views of employment. This is due to the difference in their countries environment, thinking and political condition. (2.3) Market Research Process of McDonalds in International Marketing: McDonalds being world famous in its fast food chain and delivering its best in making delicious and unique burgers has to go through certain market research process for the international market. This marketing research process has to be worked out by following a range of steps in order to accomplish tasks which curtail the research. These tasks are related to problem identification, setting objectives, data collection and analyses and finally preparing the report of the research. Before entering the Pakistani market McDonalds had to do a thorough market research in which they firstly highlighted the areas of problem they will have to work on, secondly they made objectives to solve these problems, for this purpose they started collecting data through both primary and secondary sources which would provide helpful information to them regarding their problems and after collection of the data through public serves, various economist, external sources and advertisement, they analyzed these collected data and got solutions through their problems. Due to the through market research by McDonalds it is now successfully flourishing its business in Pakistan. (2.4) Market Choice and Market Entry Strategy Options Used By McDonalds: When deciding to start a fast food chain of the west like McDonalds in a country like Pakistan who follows and practices Islamic Laws and Sharia McDonalds will have to face many Barriers of its entry, to overcome these barriers McDonalds will have to make certain strategies. The first and foremost barrier is socio cultural barrier which states to the religious aspect in the country that allows to deal only in Halal commodities, to overcome this McDonalds will have to provide its franchise Halal meat and ingredients. The second barrier is the source of capital for running its business, to see through this problem McDonalds has started subscribing its Franchising to the locals of Pakistan and does not have to invest on its own and enjoys loyalty from them. The third barrier is the terms and tariffs prevailing in Pakistan, to face this barrier McDonalds will have to organize its business in the prospective terms and tariffs of the country. (2.5) Impact Of Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus On Branding, Brand Strength and Recognition in Country Specific Markets of McDonalds: Cost leadership is a process through which a company focuses on producing commodities or product at lowest cost. This process is dependent upon the companies prospective of its performance, size, scale and experience. A fast growing worldwide food chain like McDonalds also focuses on branding, brand strength and recognition of it brands in country specific markets. Branding refers to making an indication of a specific company in terms of logo, picture, mark or delivering a certain look of a commodity. McDonalds also make certain analysis on its brand strength in terms of its competitors by making Qualitative and Quantitative analysis on its customers. The outcome from these researches helps McDonalds in making any changes to its products for gaining strength of its brand and also making its recognition in the country specific market. The restaurant industry is known for yielding low margins that can make it difficult to compete with a cost leadership marketing strategy. McDonaldââ¬â¢s has been extremely successful with this strategy by offering basic fast-food meals at low prices. They are able to keep prices low through a division of labor that allows it to hire and train inexperienced employees rather than trained cooks. It also relies on few managers who typically earn higher wages. These staff savings allow the company to offer its foods for bargain prices.[3] (3.1) International Product Strategies ofMcDonalds: In international product strategies McDonald USA uses different strategies as compared to its international market in McDonalds Pakistan. In USA the company produces its product in a standard manner, where commodities are prepared as per the standard of the people in the country. The America food cuisine mostly consists of burgers with western mild spices and a preference of tender burger patties not considered overcooking the meat and removing its flavors. In McDonalds Pakistan the taste preference of the people is different as compared to the American society. In Pakistan people follow the Indian cuisine of curries, tempting spices, rich flavored food, and nicely cooked meat. In this case McDonalds USA cannot adopt the same standards of taste in McDonalds Pakistan as it would not satisfy the customers in the country, who are not familiar with the taste of western community. In this case McDonalds Pakistan will be on a different verge of innovation rather than extending on the same methods of production of USA. (3.2) Pricing Strategies For Market Penetration Used By McDonalds: McDonalds USA has adopted a reasonable pricing strategy for its market, which makes McDonalds USA affordable for the people with different level of income. McDonaldââ¬â¢s is using Value-Pricing Strategy whereby its offer just the right combination of quality and good service at a fair price to their consumers.[4] This shows McDonalds USA competitive pricing strategy, which is keeping it above its competitors and helping it to become peopleââ¬â¢s choice. In McDonalds Pakistan the same Value Pricing strategy is being adopted by Lakson group, but the company is not prospering in the same capacity as McDonalds USA as the level of income of population in Pakistan is low and a majority of people cannot afford a quality meal. This has limited the market penetration of McDonalds in Pakistan as people expect low prices on food products, which the company cannot beer. (3.3) Objectives of International Communication Campaign: McDonalds being recognized by the world as a great food retailer has to maintain an international communication campaign, which tends to keep in touch with customer feedback as well country or region feedback, but this international communication campaign has laid certain issues when concerned with McDonalds Pakistan and other such country were polices are similar to Pakistan. In Pakistan the national language is Urdu, the country is an Islamic state, target audience is completely different from USA or other countries and it has a different culture and feedback of the people for the communication campaign. Hence McDonalds follows different communication campaign in different country and is making progress towards it development. McDonalds however has raised a slogan which say ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m lovinââ¬â¢ itâ⬠is set on international standard and is being followed in all the countries were McDonalds is operating. (3.4) Elements of Marketing Mix In Relation to International Markets: McDonalds being spread around the globe on the basis of franchising has less to do with international delivery as its main purpose is to monitor the standard it has set for its product. McDonalds however uses different packaging, storage and delivery procedures in USA and Pakistan. In Pakistan the storage and packaging standard are being checked and prepared by Lakson Group, this group is also responsible for sending the supplies to the franchises prevailing in the country and making shore that these supplies come from a halal source. The delivery of the products to the customers are being monitored by a call center who checks the availability of the products and sends the order to most nearest franchise of the corresponding customer, that can deliver the product in a reasonable amount of time. In USA the same procedure is being followed however the regulatory body is the McDonalds organization itself. (3.5) Importance of E-Services to Other Countries: In this new era of innovation of and improvement e services has played a major role by making sharing of information, transaction and techniques easy, simple and quick. McDonalds USA being a spread across the globe has made its mark by these services by aware people of their products and deals. These e service has helped McDonalds USA in many ways, firstly by transmitting its idea to the public, secondly by gaining feedbacks from its customer through their website, thirdly by collecting data from its operating franchises and fourthly by collecting information from different sources for new potential markets and their requirement. McDonalds Pakistan has also made benefits of these e services and provided various useful information on its website and certain suggestion and feedback form for inquire of their customer. This e services also make customer aware of their future events and new products and deals to be offered.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to General Knowledge Essay Topics
The Ultimate Guide to General Knowledge Essay Topics What to Expect From General Knowledge Essay Topics? Lots of the formulas you will need aren't on the reference sheet (I won't ever understand why). Just stick to this three step checklist and you will have the ability to present your ideas clearly. Explain why it's helpful to organize your materials and activities. There are many internet materials available to aid you! Understanding General Knowledge Essay Topics In case the FTCE questions in your review aren't worded like the actual test or are too easy, it might be a waste of your time and allow you to risk or delay your teaching career. Julie has failed the essay section of the exam four times earning the exact precise score every time. General awareness required for all exams and interviews. The Most Popular General Knowledge Essay Topics In some cities and towns all around the planet, the high volume of traffic is an issue. A growing number of individuals are bu ying what they need online. Some individuals feel that one approach to restrict the amount of people travelling by air is to raise tax on flights. Get general understanding about any topic on earth in a very enjoyable and interactive way! Understanding General Knowledge Essay Topics For expert certification, candidate should hold bachelor degree with specialization in the required field. Now every candidate has the goal to guarantee the Government Jobs. The Number One Question You Must Ask for General Knowledge Essay Topics The topics you will discover are supposed to secure you to select a side, then argue that side with supportive evidence. The simple truth is, we use virtually every component of the brain and the majority of the part is active all the time. Some folks think an international car-free day is a powerful approach to decrease air pollution. They think that it should be compulsory for people to retake their driving test every 5 years. New Questions About Ge neral Knowledge Essay Topics Most students score badly for their essays since they can make differentiate between thoughts and examples. There is an extensive number of expository topics covering nearly every area of knowledge that you may make use of for your essay. You could possibly be given the topic straight away by your professor, or perhaps you be free to opt for the topic yourself. IELTS practice essay questions for the subject of company and money. When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. This also enables you to show your comprehension about it. The multiple topics could be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. Characteristics of General Knowledge Essay Topics Planning is critical in any sort of home task, from building a powerpoint presentation to supplying American Government homework help to your friend. There are lots of things you want to do in order to make sure you're having an effective study session. Beyond things it's possible to read, in addition, there are online courses it is possible to take and needless to say, you can explore brand-new subjects or top up your current knowledge on one of our summer school courses. The more research you can do in order to secure better at your upcoming profession, the better. Recent studies have discovered that general knowledge is related to exam performance in schoolchildren and proofreading skills. Because of this, you will need to concentrate on boosting your writing skills by your FTCE practice. The institutes strive to find superior teachers. The Upside to General Knowledge Essay Topics If you are able to observe patterns of words or phrases in your incorrect choices together with your correct choices, you will enhance your odds of passing the actual test. Every written test comprises the section named Quiz Questions. You are able to practice those questions to increase your knowledge. Each and every overall knowledge quiz that we have is composed of well-researched and intriguing quiz questions. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. Bearing this in mind, we've planned to supply you with the Questions based on Quiz Questions. It is critical to listen very carefully to each question to make sure you understand it since you just have 10 seconds to answer it. General Knowledge Essay Topics Can Be Fun for Everyone More so, it can result in a terrific deal of stress, frustration and disappointment. One of the greatest methods to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. All the content offered here is absolutely for free and is supplied in the handiest way in order to don't face any problem. It's possible for you to get to understand their style and subject matter without feeling the need to complete a massive tome.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Some Too Fagile For Winter Wind Analysis - 1679 Words
Essay #2 Throughout Some, too Fragile for Winter Winds written by Emily Dickinson the poem discusses nature that has alternative meanings. This is also shown throughout The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. Both texts use nature to discuss how we face the harsh times in our life. Each of the texts shows a way that a person copes with the harsh times in their life while using nature. Throughout Some, too Fragile for Winter Winds by Emily Dickinson a mother is shown coping with the harsh times in her life after her children have died. While in The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe we see someone coping with harsh times by looking for answers. Throughout both texts the speaker is coping with the harsh times that they have encountered by describing nature.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The children are unnoticed by others and the mother is the only one that is protecting them. This poem shows the hard times that the mother must face because her children have died. However the mother is coping with them w hile still protecting her children after they have died, This is the mothers way of coping because she is not yet ready to let go of her children and still wants to care for them. This poem shows this through nature by portraying the mother as a bird who is protecting her nest. Also the poem uses nature by describing the harsh times as a winter wind that has caused harm to the mother and her children. The poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe shows a man coping with harsh times with the help of the raven. The poem begins with the man alone where he hears something tapping on his door. He continues to hear the tapping until he sees the raven and lets him into his chamber. The speaker begins to talk to the raven and realizes that the bird can only say the word ââ¬Å"Nevermoreâ⬠. In the beginning of the poem the man sees the bird as a burden and wants him gone. However, as the poem goes on the speaker wants the bird there and begins to alter his questions so that the correct answer w ill be ââ¬Å"Nevermoreâ⬠. As the poem goes on the speaker sees the bird as more of a friend than a burden and does not want him to leave. For example, it states ââ¬Å"But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one
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